thanks for taking the time to read this .STEP 1:
You want to start of by downloading a torrent client. There are quite a few online and some work very well and others are just terrible. As stated by the OP in the previous thread, we are going to use uTorrent. Another good alternative is Vuze. Both of these, and most of the clients are free to download so no money is wasted here. In fact, you do not need to spend money at all. So no money spent -- > money gained. uTorrent can be downloaded at various websites but to be on the safe side, always download it from the original website which can be found quoted below. You can also pay to upgrade uTorrent but for this method, you will not be needing that.
Now that you have got the main client set up and installed, it is time for the next part. (If uTorrent did not work, try using Vuze). Find some good movies coming out quite soon. Make sure that the movie you choose has got some good decent demand for it. For example, there is no point choosing a movie with a small budget over a movie with a higher budget like Avatar. Another point is to make sure that the movie is not yet released or has only been released very, very recently. For the purpose of this tutorial, I chose the movie "The artist" which is due to be released on 06/01/2012. To see what movies are recently coming, see the following links:
Once you have officially decided on a movie, read on below. This movie is going to be your first starting point to making money with torrents.
You will now need to find some actual footage of that movie. Check for any few second or few minute leaks if they were released. If you cannot find any leaks, then just download the trailer of the movie from a video sharing website like Youtube. To download a video from Youtube, visit the following website:
Paste the video URL into the box shown above. Then change the Output format to WMV. (Windows Media Video) You can choose the most common AVI format if you wish but I tend to find WMV files smaller and faster to download. (Especially when you start doing this for tons of different movies, WMV may be the better choice for faster downloading). Once you have done that, hit the Convert button and wait a few minutes for it to convert. Then download the video and save it where you remember, most likely the Desktop.
Then rename the file name of the trailer or leaked clip to something which looks similar to,
Or any of the following, (but with your movie name of course)The Artist Movie Leaked Clip
You see the concept. The word's leaked and sex scene invite the downloaders to download the torrent and we will get onto this further down the thread.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Intro Scene Leaked
Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol Leaked Sex Scene
Alvin and the Chipmunks Shipwrecked First 10 minutes Leaked
Those words will invite them to download your torrent. It's just like when you see "FREE" or "RARE" you tend to be more interested in it.
Now download a program called Winrar. This is very vital and you will know why below. Again, download it from the original website and not from other secondary sites which may not be safe.
Once downloaded, go to your Desktop. Right click your mouse and then click "New" and then click "Winrar Archive".
You should now have an empty archive file.
Now go to your movie file or leaked intro clip and right click it. Select "Add to archive" and then you should have got this:
Go to the "Advanced" section and then hit the "Set password" button. Then click OK and you have now created the archive.
You should now see and have 2 archive files. One should have the trailer or leaked clip password protected and the other one should be empty or blank. Now drag the archive with the clip inside into the empty archive. You will get some dialogue boxes but just hit OK if any comes up.
Now to check if you are following my steps correctly. Open the archive file and inside should be another archive. Yeah? Good. Now when you open that archive and try to watch the trailer or leaked clip it should ask for a password, right? Yeah? Excellent. Keep it up.
Now close everything and open the archive again. Don't open the second archive with the clip inside. Just open the first one. Then open up Notepad. Notepad should come with all computers so that should not be an issue. In the notepad file, enter the password for the archive you locked. Then save the file on your desktop as something like:
Then open up an account with Share cash.Read Inside - PASSWORD for leaked Intro
Password Inside - IMPORTANT
READ ME - Password Details INSIDE
Then upload your text file you just created with the password to Sharecash. Now users will need to download that file to get the password. And for every file downloaded, they need to complete a survey. Every survey completed gives you roughly 50 cents to a dollar. 30 people per day = $30.
Then go to "File Mirrors" and find a mirror link for your download (of the text file with the password inside)
Take that download link and put it in another Notepad file. Save this file as something like:
Now drag and drop this into your first archive. (Not the password protected one). So in conclusion, when people open your archive they will attempt to watch the movie leaked clip but they cannot because it asks for a password. Unless they are physic and can guess the password, the other choice they have is to then read the "READ ME - PASSWORD" file to find the Sharecash link. They will then visit the sharecash link, download the file by completing a survey and then they will get the password. You will get your money for the download and they will get a trailer in the end. (or even a leaked clip if you did that)READ ME - Password Inside
But now you need people to download your main archive.. so we need to create a Torrent.
Creating a torrent:
We need to create a .torrent file to upload to torrent websites.
Open uTorrent and click "File" and then "Create new torrent". Then it should say "Select source/file". Simply browse and find the archive file with the archive inside and the text file. This should be on your desktop if you saved it there.
Then click "Create and save as" and then choose your output folder. I recommend using the Desktop. Now on your desktop you will see the file with a torrent icon. This is your torrent file! We just need to start submitting these to websites like ThePirateBay. Go to the following websites, create accounts with them and upload your torrent files. Then just wait for people to download them and you will get your money. Just rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. And rinse and repeat. There are many more torrent websites which you can also upload to.
The more sites you upload to.. the bigger exposure your file gets.
Thank you for reading this thread.